Video is of Patty laying the wreath this morning in Ottawa....
These numbers will not happen again for another 100 years...
TODAY... November 11, 2011 at 11 minutes and 11
seconds after 11am the clock will look like
The eleventh month
The eleventh day
The eleventh hour
The eleventh minute
The eleventh second
My friend Patty Braun was chosen National Silver Cross Mother and will be placing the wreath at the Memorial Site this morning in Ottawa. CBC televison will be covering this ceremony. Her son David was killed in Afghanistan in 2006.
How very moving. What an honor for your friend as she in turn honors her son and all those lost in service.
The national role of Silver Cross Mother is second only to the Royal representative to the Queen.
Patty comes ahead of the Government of Canada...
That's our Patty!!
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