Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Cat Bordhi Moebius Scarf

Janis liked her birthday present!!


Penandra said...

Your mobius is GREAT! Thanks for posting your pics. I am in the process of knitting my first Cat Bordhi mobius. I'm using yarn out of my stash (which I always think of as "free" if it didn't involve a trip to the LYS!

I'm hoping to make it more of an over the shoulders than just around the neck.

I've been googling and binging patterns and finished projects because I want to make a gift for a friend of mine and I'm looking for different knitting designs, etc.

It's fascinating and very addictive, and I love yours. Have you made more?

April said...

Yay!! A picture of a möbius on the needles!! Thanks for posting this. I'm currently working on my first möbius and was wondering if it looked right. Yours came out wonderfully!