Today I had a great visit with my friend Lynn from Edmonton.
Lynn owned Cottage Creations on Broughton Street, Victoria BC ...many years ago...1994??
The concept of her business was that we artists rented wall space from her.. paying monthly rent..****and we received 100% of all sales *** unbelievable!!
I made hundreds of felted hats and also the angels that I sculpt using fabric mache'... Today she told me that I was the top seller in her business along with another artist who made angels out of seashells (I have one of her angels..I think she is from Saltspring..not positive)...
The felted hats were the first sold in Victoria...I found 'the pattern' while on a winter stay in hot hot Mesa, Arizona...I can't handle hot weather and I needed a cold place to hide and happened to walk into an air-conditioned yarn store and was VERY impressed with the felted hat in their window display...I asked to buy the hat..."Not for sale..but you can buy the kit and knit/machine felt one for yourself"...the rest is history. Hundreds of hats later..and still making them..
I have Lynn to thank for giving me that extra push to believe in myself and sell my products. What a friend she is. Thanks Lynn!!